Ancient wonders

Room 4 were very busy at the end of Term 4. The whole class were super enthusiastic about our inquiry topic "Ancient Wonders". Room 4 did some initial research in buddies finding out basic information about a large number of ancient buildings. They were able to find out so much information such as where the buildings were built, when they were built and what type of materials were used to make them. Students shared all the information they found with the class. Once Room 4 finished that students began picking their own buildings. Ancient buildings that they found interesting. Each student worked individually with Miss Bridgland to create four key inquiry questions to research and answer.
Different questions asked by Room 4:
- What was the cultural significance of sporting events held in the Colleseum?
- How did people today find out what the Hanging Gardens of Babylon looked like?
- Why did they build the Acropolis on top of a hill in the middle of a town?
- Why does the Great Sphinx have a human head and the body of a lion?
- What was the purpose of the building?
- What makes the Lighthouse of Alexandria so special?
- What made King Tut so important in order for him to have such a big, lavish tomb?

Miss Bridgland challenged Room 4 to present our information without the use of a poster or a slideshow. Room 4 was able to rise up to the challenge and presented information in a range of ways. Books, 3D models, interviews and maps to name a few of the projects produced.

Take a look at what Room 4 created by travelling to different areas of the Ancient World.

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