
We are all WONDERSTRUCK by the book we are reading as our class shared novel, Wonderstruck by Brian Elznick. There are two stories within the book both being told through different means. Ben's story is told through words and Rose's story told through pictures. Their incredible journeys are fifty years apart but magically link up in a strange twist. Room 4 has been an excited murmur of predictions, connections and shock as we have read along. This story is great for adults, families, and students. We all really recommend it to anyone.

Image result for wonderstruck bookImage result for wonderstruck book

Wonderstruck has sparked our interest and got Room 4 keen to learn sign language. Sign language is one of New Zealand's national languages. We have learnt the alphabet and can spell our names in sign language. This is the New Zealand sign language dictionary. Check it out if you want to learn some new signs.

New Zealand Sign Language dictionary

Welcome to 2016!

It is a new year and we have a whole new class of awesome students in Room 4! We are in for an amazing year with so many learning opportunities for everyone. I know many of the students are excited about different things, camp, leadership opportunities, class trips and the all round excitement of now being a SENIOR. We have settled in to Room 4 quickly and have established routines and expectations. We went down and visited our great buddy class, Room 10. We read some stories to them and got to know our new buddies.

Here is a couple of videos of what Miss Bridgland got up to in Vanuatu over the summer.